Fr. Smith was a long time friend of the family and was a missionary in the Philippines for the time I knew of him. We have a good number of pictures of him from his early assignments in Los Angeles as well as photos of him shipping out in the 50's for the Philippines.
(From the Columban Fathers)
FR. WILLIAM J. SMITH was born at Providence, Rhode Island, USA in 1915 and died there on August 17, 1974. When he completed his studies at St. Columban’s, Nebraska, Fr. Bill was ordained priest in 1941. He worked in Los Angeles and in 1945 he was appointed bursar and
Vice-Rector at St. Columban’s College, Milton. Assigned to the Philippines in 1950, he suffered a stroke in 1960 but continued on mission in Mindanao. He returned to the U.S. in 1974 for surgery. Fr. Bill is buried at East Providence, Rhode Island.
Fr. William (Bill) Smith and Maurice Murphy at Columban Mission in Los Angeles, circa 1943
Fr. Bill Smith, possibly at St. Mary's Academy, (with Maurice Murphy), circa 1943
Alice Seibel Murphy and Fr. Bill Smith circa 1943 - Columban Mission Los Angeles
Fr. Bill Smith, Maurice Murphy, Sr. Clarine Seibel circa 1943 (either at St. Mary's Academy or Columban Mission Los Angeles)
Fr. Bill Smith, Alice Seibel Murphy, Sr. Clarine Seibel circa 1943
Unknown priest with Maurice Murphy, Fr. Bill Smith and Unknown priest aboard the USS Jean Lafitte, San Francisco, circa 1949-1950
John Murphy Family with Maurice Murphy, McLoughlin Family, Fr. Bill Smith and 2 unknown priests aboard the USS Jean Lafitte, San Francisco, circa 1949-1950
USS Jean Lafitte, San Francisco, circa 1949-1950
Mrs. William Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 9/25/1950
(Providence Rhode Island)
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 8/30/1951
Fr. B ill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 2/22/1952
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 3/7/1952
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 4/29/1952
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 6/10/1952
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 8/21/1952
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 9/11/1952
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 12/11/1952
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 1/2/1954
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 3/13/1957
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, 1/22/1963
Fr. Bill Smith to Alice Seibel Murphy, Christmas 1966